And, aaaah.. i'd like to give you good news! First, you still can join my giveaway to get two free books, Forever Princess by Meg Cabot, and Man And Wife from Tony Parsons. just click here!
And, the other one, my friends in Surabaya, who have an amazing book store called Vixxio is hold giveaway!! Kewl, i love idea for getting free books! They offer three books, but my heart is directly objected to this one..

aaaarrgh, it's Mary Higgins Clark! Suspense queen, i love her! She always can tell stories suspenseful, but however she gets her feminine side. And, I am so into suspense genre. Eh, wait, i've noticed, i haven't post anything suspense here, right? Well, so, if I win this book, I'll post its summary here. Well, wanna know more about her? Visit her site.
I hope Gramedia will publish her book more, cause I have budgeting problem to afford imported one. Poor me.. :(
So, readers, do visit Vixxio, and join their giveaway!