Thursday, August 5, 2010

And The Winner Goes To....

Many creative and crazy ideas from my latest giveaway. Well, I am excited reading your imagination, and wish that someday you can realize your dream birthday.
I had no birthday party, but being surrounded by people who I love and love me is greatest bliss for me. For you too, I am sure. I feel so glad that I could share little happiness to all of you. Maybe I can choose you all to receive this gift(that's my biggest regret, I am so sorry), but you all have brought joy to me. I couldn't stop smiling while reading your answers. Birthday is special day, and you all wake my wildest dream to create an amazing birthday party someday.

So, here it is the winner of my giveaway.

1. If Only It Were True - Noor's blog (inside of me)
2. Paviliun Maria - Cie
3. Kembalinya Sherlock Holmes - miss bibliophile
4. A Little Princess - Fanda 
5. Matilda - Reni
6. The Hobbit - Winter 
7. The Opposite of Fate - papillonianz

You are having really nice dreams! well, actually you all are! But too bad, too bad.. I should pick just seven winners. Thanks for participating, and don't forget to always visit Books of Dela because I still have many ideas for giveaway! :)

For winners, congrats! Email your full name and complete address at, and I'll send your books soon. Enjoy reading, and keep telling me how the book is.


  1. Yippiiie...I win!!
    Thanks a lot Dela for sharing your happy moment with all of us. I'll send you my complete address right away.

  2. Hore... aku menang..! Alhamdulillah....
    Berhasil... berhasil... berhasil.... Hore...!
    Thanks a lot Dela... Semoga saja makin banyak kebahagiaan dan barokah yang kau terima sepanjang hidupmu. Amin....

  3. Congrats for all winners ^_^ Happy for you guys!!

  4. wah.. aku kalah.. but its okee... congrats buat yang menang.. ;)

  5. What a surprise ! duh..ngga nyangka nih bisa dapat buku dari on Dela...Alhamdulillah. Makasih ya non ! ditunggu giveaway berikutnya..

    Salam hangat & sehat selalu...

  6. Thank you so much :* :* :* I'm so happy :D alhamdulillaaah,berkah menjelang ramadhan :p

  7. yay..menang!!mksh Kak Dela...
