Saturday, July 3, 2010

BIRTHDAY BASH : Another Giveaway!!

Bad blogger. Yes, it's me. I am not going to ask apologize, it's really my fault, I couldn't spare some times for updating, even reading books in my rushing activities this month. But, I am gonna try something to compensate my hiatus.


So, this is it. By the end July, I will turn into 22. Wow, it's hard to believe that I've through such as many years in my life. I am so grateful and feel blessed of my life. That's why I arrange this giveaway. To share my happiness. With all of you. :)

Some people have suggested what book they want for this giveaway, and I really appreciate it. I am sorry (again), if I can't fulfill your wish. I have limited capability, but still, I hope you can participate here. So, these are books that I want to share FOR FREE.

1. If Only It Were True - Marc Levy, published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

2. Paviliun Maria - V Lestari published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

3. Kembalinya Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

4. A Little Princess - Frances Hodgson Burnett published by Wordsworth Classic.

5. Matilda - Rpald Dahl published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

6. The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.


7. The Opposite of Fate - Amy Tan published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

So, what you have to do is..
1. It'll be nice if you are one of this blog followers. :)
2. For Indonesian only, I am sorry... :(
3. Share with me, what is your craziest dream of birthday party? What do you want for its theme, who will you invite, or maybe the stars who will perform in your party? Be creative!
4. Share your dream in comments box, don't forget to choose ONE from those books above, and insert your email.
5. It will be very kind of you, if you want to tell your friends about this giveaway. :)

I will close this giveaway on July 30th, exactly on my birthday, :) and announce the winner in the beginning of August. So hurry, fill me up with your dreams!!!


  1. my first time visiting your blog, where should i share the dream?? in the comment box here or send an email?

    my birthday is also July (so I do have the dream for this year's birthday), and I love books.

  2. you can share in this comment box, please.. :)

  3. ah dela, i was so stupid missing #4 step :p sorry sorry

    when i was a kid i used to dream a luxurious garden party for my 17th, but i did not happen instead I got a warm dinner with my family. simple but unforgettable

    now I'm missing the moment. I stay alone in different city with my parents and my "beloved". I know it won't be happened, yet I still hope I can have a strawberry cheescake (no need candle) and another warm dinner with the family and future family :p. Oh missing my parents, my siblings and my lover...

    thanks dela, sharing through your blog relieves me hehe

    gonna add you goodreads acc soon

  4. mmm,,pake bahasa Indonesia aja yah,,,ribet bikin pake English...hehehe

    Kalo aku pengen bikin pesta ulang taun dmana ntar temen-temenku yang dateng harus ngikutin dress code dari aku,,, yaitu mereka harus make kostum yang menandakan mereka temen aku pas kapan...gini maksudnya,,jika dia temenku pas SD,,jadi dia harus make baju seragam SD,,begitu pula dengan temen SMP ato SMA ku.. Nah,,kalo dari SD mpe SMA samaan mulu ma aku,,bingung juga deh mau make apaan..hehehe Trus yang temen kuliah juga make seragam kuliah (maklum kuliah di PTK,,jadinya make seragam..hehehe)

    Tapi buat yang ulang taun nggak ya,,,aku harus tampil cantik bak putri raja...hehehehe(curaaang)kalo bsa di make up in ma Aldo Akira (duuuh,,pengen banget yang ini)

    Dan yang kuundang adalah smua temenku dari TK mpe kuliah,,skalian reuni gtu...hehehe

    trus ntar hiburannya adalah artis2 peserta acara Indonesia Mencari Bakat (lagi suka banget soalnya,,,apalagi ma Brandon,,hehehhe)

    kayanya itu aja deh....

    oya,,aku pengen buku yang pertama euy...


  5. i want to join this giveaway very much! but i must arrange what a craziest dream of me, first. Wait!!!

  6. I have to congratulate for your nice ide but forgive me honey..., I never celebrated my in my own life time. So I've no dream about that :)
    Good luck !

  7. 1.Gw pengen Buku If Only It Were True
    2.Impian "terliar" gw buat ulangtaun adalah sangat simpel dan sederhana, hanya membutuhkan pacar gw, lo (PASTINYA)dan pacar lo (takutnya lo ngiri) , Kue berlumuran cokelattt segede gaban! , ketawa2 sampe pipi pegel, perut sakit dan nahan ngompol! seneng2 seharian ga pake jaim2an! intinya, gw pengen bahagaia di hari itu bersama orang2 yang tulus ngebahagiain gw X)

  8. my craziest dream of birthday party is celebrated by my family,my best friends,and old folk's home with a big birthday cake and many more cakes. I don't want to invite any stars.I just want to have a small celebration,but it's my craziest dream that i want to be it becomes real since i have never been celebrated my real birthday party.When it's my birthday, me and my family just eat nasi kuning+ayam goreng to celebrate it :) .And then i treat my best friends to mall to have some lunch/dinner together.
    If i can win this, i will choose this book
    3. Kembalinya Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

    anyway ~happy birthday at the end of July~Have a great birthday party!wish u all the best..

  9. # I want "The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama"

    # sebenernya gue belom pernah ngerayain ulangataun seperti apa yg gue pengenin, but I really want to make a garden party ;) nggak usah pergi jauh jauh, cukup di halaman rumah aja. Acaranya di mulai dari pagi menuju siang, sekitar jam 10an dan buat yg cewek cewek malemnya ada sleepover. yang di undang juga nggak terlalu banyak, just my closest freinds, and my boyfriend. And because I really love tea, I'll make tea party too. jadi nanti kita duduk duduk di taman sambil ngobrol ngobrol, makan cupcakes, minum teh, dll. untuk guest starnya gue pengen Endah n Rhesa pas sore sore gitu. hmm I think that's all ;)

    # my e-mail:

    thank you, I hope I can win this giveaway :p

  10. nice to know that u r doing okay, and back on blogging :)

    i have that Sherlock Holmes, and have read The Hobbit (for my Literary Criticism class, actually :p)

    anyways, since i'm a type of person who does not celebrate things, i cannot suggest anything. hopefully you get lots of cool ideas from another bloggers :)

    wish you all the best :)

  11. I always love everything that are related to France, and especially Paris. So I guess if I had the chance, I'd like to make a birthday party 'in Paris'. Well, of course it's not really in Paris, but with Paris theme. I'll set the building to be Parisien outdoor cafe, with the canopy, 'petite' tables & chairs, street lamps, even menu board hanged outside the window. In the corners there will be small gardens with benches, lamps, and trees. Well, I will make everyone feels like they are in Paris, anyway!

    For the entertainment, I want a street singer group to perform (with violin, cello, etc). Of course they'll sing French songs! The food will be French culinary complete with the delicious pastries and the baguette. Dress code will be casual, but in bleu-blanc-rouge (blue-white-red) colors!

    Who will attend? My closest friends of course, and some friends from CCF. This will be a reunion party for us. Oh, and don't forget my French teachers, especially my 2 handsome French teachers (they must come from French I suppose...).

    That will be the night I'll never forget!

    But for now, I guess A Little Princess book from Dela would be a wonderful gift for me. Right now I'm enjoying another Frances Hodgson's book: The Secret Garden, and will be very happy to read another book from her. Frances' style of story telling is amazing!

    So I really look forward to get this book from you, Dela... *please..please..make me win this book*

  12. AH, aku ikutan.. tapi pakai bahasa Indonesia aja ya. AKu pengen banget di hari ulang tahunku, aku ngga jadi lebih tua. Hahaha, tapi ngga mungkin ya.. jadinya, aku pengen tiba-tiba ada burung hantu yang masukke kamarku dan nganterin surat yang isinya menyatakan bahwa aku adalah murid yang diterima di Hogwarts. ahhaha

    Trus, aku sekolah di hogwarts (di asrama ravenclaw mungkin) dan punya sapu terbangku sendiri. Rasanya keren banget deh pergi kemana-mana tanpa harus ada macet atau polusi.

    Gitu aja sih.. hehehhe... aku pengen bukunya Littel Princess.. udah ngiler-ngiler banget sama buku itu.. thanks Dela!


  13. Pengen ikutan juga... Boleh kan..?

    Aku juga jarang banget ngerayain ulang tahun. Tapi jika kesempatan itu (lengkap dengan dananya maksudku heheheh) diberikan padaku, maka aku akan melakukan apa yang kuinginkan untuk merayakan ulang tahunku.

    Pertama, aku ingin membangun sebuah rumah baca yang representatif untuk semua umur....
    Kedua, rumah baca itu akan diresmikan saat hari ulang tahunku.... oleh walikota.
    Ketiga, undangannya semua sahabat2ku, sahabat2 suamiku, sahabat2 Shasa (anak semata wayangku) dan juga tetangga sekitar.
    Keempat, di hari pembukaan itu akan ada bedah buku bersama Andrea Hirata (penulis favoritku) dan Putri Salsa (penulis favorit anakku).
    Kelima dan terakhir..., makan kue tart yang besar banget, berwarna cream dan coklat yang ada hiasan buku2 di atasnya... bersama seluruh undangan..!
    Kira2 siapa ya yg mau mewujudkan impian terindahku di hari ulang tahunku...? *ngarepdotcom*

    Kali ini, aku berharap sekali untuk dapatkan buku Matilda - Rpald Dahl karena pasti Shasaku juga akan menyukainya... (soalnya Shasa sudah mulai ngobrak-ngabrik buku koleksiku utk dibacanya... hehehe)

    OK..., Selamat Ultah buat Dela, semoga sehat selalu, bahagia dunia akherat, sukses dan menjalani hari2 dengan penuh barokah. Amin...

    Terakhir..., aku benar2 berharap Matilda tidak jatuh ke tangan orang lain deh.. hehehe *ngerayu*

  14. Wow, you have changed your themes! Congratz. Owh..and I just realized that I haven't given you my e-mail. It's Hope I'll get a pleasant e-mail from you soon...

  15. i used to use the same theme as yours.. but changed it anyway...
    me craving for a little princess!!! Little Sara always enamored me with her words...
    and about dream of best birthday according to me..
    i am not that crowded or party type of person so i prefer having such a simple rendezvous with closest friends..
    sleepover party sounds so great to me...
    so when it reach 00.01 a.m. i have my beloved friends around... wishing me with bless...
    so for the preparation, i'll put dvds, books, tea or coffea, snacks and... pajamas!!!!!

    happy birthday, dela...

    may you have the best days of your life and this is just first month of your 22nd-soon to be 23rd year of life... enjoy the ride, girl..

    please send Little Sara to me.... :D

  16. Cuma sekali ngerayain ultah, pas ultah ke 15. Tapi jika diberi kesempatan merayakan ultah, aku cuma ingin merayakan ultah di sebuah taman bacaan. Mungkin ada makanan kecil dan kue tart, lalu semua temna yg kuundang dan ingin memberikan kado, maka kadonya harus berupa buku. Tapi buku2 itu akan kusumbangkan semuanya ke taman bacaan tsb.

    Btw, aku ingin buku Matilda. Thanks ya.

  17. Mmm.. I wish, I hope, I pray.. For my next birthday, my lover will pop up in my door. He doesn't need to bring me flower or anything. He himself will be a super special gift..
    *Mimpi di siang bolong :( Since I live so far away from him, kayanya ga mungkin banget kesampean, hikss..

    Imelku, and aku pengen buku A Little Princess ya ^^

    Btw, aku suka banget sama lay outnya.. Belom baca2 postingan yg laen, tp pasti penggemar buku ya? ^^ Salam kenal!!

  18. aku mau KEMPING sama semua temen2ku..
    terus malemnya, ga usah masak.

    aku udah ngundang tukang bakso, sate, nasi goreng, soto, siomay, sampai tukang es krim, dll.

    jadi setiap tamu bebas mesen apa yang mereka mau.
    tentunya aku yang bayar dong..

    aku udah follow blog mu.
    follow blog aku juga ya..

    pengen buku if it were true..

    thank u..

  19. my craziest dream birthday party :
    (continue in bahasa yaa)

    temanya back to childhood
    jadi tamu-tamunya pakai dresscode yang berhubungan dengan masa kecil dan full colour. boleh bawa mainan (mobil"an, barbie),pakai celana kodok, rambut kuncir dua, pipi merah, dan lain lain .
    ruangan tempat diselenggarakan pestanya, didekor seperti taman bermain..

    yang aku undang tentu saja keluarga dan teman temanku. untuk hiburan, bakal ada games, band pengiring yang bawain lagu-lagu yang ceria dan lain-lain. semua temanku aku persilahkan untuk ikut menyumbangkan suaranya :D

    untuk bukunya, aku mau MATILDA :D
    thanks delaa..

  20. Pesta Ulang tahun ala bang Pendi :
    Bang Pendi selalu merasa bahwa orang2 tua yang ada di panti jompo adalah orang2 yang disingkirkan secara halus dari keluarga/anak. Ingin rasanya berbagi kesenangan dengan mereka dengan berbagi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan seumur hidup. Untuk kakek2, bang Pendi akan mengundang Shakira bernyanyi didepan mereka..

    " Whenever, Wherever
    We're meant to be together
    I'll be there and you'll be near
    And that's the deal my dear "

    Mudah-mudahan ntu kakek2 ngga langsung semaput melihat tarian erotis si Shakira...hehehe. Dan biar nenek2nya ngga cemburu, bang Pendi juga akan mengundang Julio Iglesias...yang nyanyiin lagu2 romantis biar ntu nenek2 pade klepek2...hehehe

    Karena ngga ada buku yang rada humor, bang Pendi pilih buku If It were True aja deh...
    Makasih atas undangan non Dela, maaf kalau impiannya bang Pendi rada2 ngaco...hehehe. Sekali lagi makasih...
    Salam hangat & sukses selalu...

    Email :

  21. my wildest birthday party is a garden party under fullmoon light in devil's theme with all my friends on'll be held in an old castle yard full of red rosses...

    everyone dress in a red and black costumes *but for man, suit will be ok as long they seemed like vampire hehehe*, girl must be sexy *aaaaw*...hmmm for my friend who use jilbab, no need to worry, they needn't be sexy but devil enough *hehehe*

    all food are toasted things
    all snacks are taste sweet and have roses smell
    all drinks will be in black, red, yellow, metalic blue and purple colour . don't worry, all of them taste good because i have the best chef to make it.
    one thing won't ever there, alcohol party is alcohol free

    the music won't be as scary as the themes... i'll invite 3 greatest world DJ to cheer the night up, so we can dance all night long *there will be dance floor too*

    but, i think the craziest part is the birthday cake...i want it at least 3 meters high part into 8 levels, 8 flavours *but they have to be in separated...not mixed*, in white main colour except the lowest level, it's black, surrounded by red rose *again*...i'll cut the cake by a long silver shiny sword from top to bottom

    by the end of the party, i'll give all guess a goodie bag and a voucher to maladewa so they can join my 2nd day birthday party BEACH THEME...!!! hahaahaha *kek kawinan aja, ga cukup sehari, dapet souvenir lagi*

    yaaaah...namanya juga wild

    i'd like the 6th book...hmmm but if it's been takken already by someone else, the 7th is ok heheheeh *actually, i want both hwahahaahaha*

    just let me know whether i get the book to my email:

    thx :)

  22. Kyaaaaa kemarin baru aja beli A Little Princess Delaa :[ Yang versi Indonesia sih, tapi tetep aja ga rela kalo gini huhuhu Telat nih baca blog kamu :[

    Ikut ga yaa ? ;]

  23. Actually I already followed your MINDCUBE and now I also follow this blog. I don't know about crazy, but I love rain n rainbow a lot!! So I'm thinking of a garden party where my friends can walk on grass with bare-feet or maybe lay down on grass under a rainy day. And you know what.. it would be perfect if I can blow my b'day candle with rainbow as my background with all Glee cast singing Over The Rainbow.

    psttt.. i want THE OPPOSITE OF FATE as a gift ^_^

  24. Hey dela. i wrote this in the end of july..
    so, if you had a birthday on this day, i hope you have your own beautiful blast, with your own style! hahahahaa...

    Anyway, i planned my 18th birthday with backpacking to europe with 4 of my besties only. so, we'll go to italy first, and then spain, and then enjoy the view of eiffel tower on the night time (yup, this is my childhood dreams, and then we eilll go to London, and took some crazy picture with the england soldier (you know, the red man with the funny furry hat on his head. And then visit germany, and the last one, i really want to visit vienna on my birthday! i want to spend my night on vienna, took a looonng walk overnight with my friends, and end by sleep in the park (as long as it's not winter of course hahaha.)
    So, the next day, we'll went to Indonesia with lot's of stories to be remembered. and again, it have to be a backpacking trip, so i don't have to spend lots of money.. hahahaha...

    So, that is my birthday.. it's really great if only i were true.
    may i choose A Little Princess from Frances Hodgson Burnett? i really wish that i could have one.
    this is my email


  25. Gw pengen The Opposite of Fate-Amy Tan (Duh, gw gak pede bgt pake bahasa inggris dan yg baca lo, la)

    Gw gak begitu suka party, jadi craziest dream of my birthday adalah The Corrs konser khusus untuk gw, gw bisa melototin performnya dan dengerin semua lagunya, LIVE!!! Hehehe, cukup sepertinya.

    Happy Bday ya honey, kangen nonton dvd dan bermalas2an bareng seharian. Sukses ya la!

    Email :

  26. bhahaha birthday party... nggk pernah yang ngerasa wah...tapi pengen banget birthday party cuma ngerayain bareng keluarga besar.. simple sih nggak muluk-muluk dan pengennya tahun depan bisa terwujud. BBQ-ing dengan keluarganya mama (most of my life spent with my father`s fam), joking, playing kasti or any traditional games (I used to play when I was a child) in my aunt yard, spend the night without any call from my grandpa (father`s father), dan yang penting bisa tidur di pelukan mama (I never do it before- poor I am). Pastinya pas BBQ-ing ada live performance dari petra sihombing...

    Ehm back to the book, kayanya If Only It Were True - Marc Levy bagus...

    Bdw happy birthday,`re still the youngest than us..hiksss *envy

  27. Aku gak pernah ngrayain ulang tahun, tapi kalo aku boleh bermimpi aku ingin merayakan ulang tahunku di padang rumput yang penuh dengan Dandelion. Aku suka alam terbuka dan aku suka sekali dengan Dandelion. Selain lucu, tanaman liar ini sering disepelekan tapi sebenarnya punya banyak sekali manfaat bahkan bisa menyembuhkan penyakit. Dan walaupun bentuknya kecil tapi Dandelion itu sangat cantik. Aku ingin mengingatkan diriku sendiri dan orang2 yg datang kepestaku bahwa kita harus bersyukur seperti Dendelion, Aku, kamu dan semuanya merupakan bagian keindahan dari kehidupan ini.

    Aku akan mengundang semua keluarga dan teman-temanku. This is a standing birthday party, jadi aku hanya akan menyediakan beberapa meja yang sudah dihias dengan bunga warna-warni dan pastinya ada bunga Dandilion. Meja ini untuk menaruh cupcakes yg lucu2, kue2 chocolate, cookies, muffin, cheese cake (I love cheese), brownies and beverages. Aku akan menyediakan satu panggung disana dan aku mau dalam dekorasi panggung itu ada efect2 pelangi yang warna-warni dan cantik. Aku ingin mengundang a very fabulous singer “Sandhy Sondoro” (I love him SO much). Kenapa harus pelangi karena selain melukiskan kehidupan kita yang penuh dengan warna2 indah, pelangi itu akan sangat menghidupkan suasana saat Sandhy Sondoro menyanyikan lagunya “End of the Rainbow” (yang bakal bikin semua melting). Siapa saja boleh menyumbangkan suaranya di pestaku itu.

    Kalau ulang tahun kita biasanya meniup lilin. Di pesta ulang tahunku kali ini aku tidak ingin meniup lilin tapi aku ingin meniup Dandelion2 kecil ini bersama keluarga dan teman-temanku yang hadir disana. Seru banget dan pastinya bikin tambah fun dan kita bisa tertawa bareng. Dan aku berharap aku bisa terbang bebas seperti biji2 dandelion ini.

    Hehehe banyak dan pemimpi banget ya!
    Aku suka dua buku yaitu A Little Princess dan If Only It Were True. Aku bingung memilih yang mana.

    Happy B’day Dela. May your days will be full of happiness and laugh!!

    Blog :

  28. My craziest bday dream is making my bday wish in front of Ka'bah with the people I love..

    my desire book : Matilda or Kembalinya Sherlock

    HBD Dela!

    email :

  29. ulang tahun imipianku adalah seperti perayaan 17 agustusan..yap..semua umur,semua kalangan bisa menikmati kebahagian di hari ulang tahunku. Melakukan permainan tradisional dan mencoret-coret wajah dengan mentega dan semacamnya..pasti menyenangkan..dan kue ulang tahunku kuganti dengan piringan2 sate yang disusun membentuk angka yang sesuai umurku yang berulang tahun...woaa...
    yang pasti hari itu mendatangkan kebahagian yang tidak hanya aku rasakan tapi juga semua orang...hehehe

    Happy Birthday ya kak Dela. Semoga diberikan kesehatan dan kebahagian selalu. :)
    -aku pengen bukunya sherlock holmes. kayaknya bagus tuh,,

  30. aku posting giveaway kakak di:

  31. gimana ya, seumur-umur blom pernah ultah dirayain, kasihan yak. tapi kalau disuruh berangan-angan, aku pingin dikasih kejutan. pulang kerja diajak ke suatu tempat, yaaa kayak diculik gitu deh kalau perlu mata ditutup. truuuuussss diajak sky dining yg romantisssssssssssssssssss. sama kmu tentunya :).
    plus teutuepppp dikasih kado hahahhahahha.
    o iya pengen sherlock holmes donk

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I dont want party for my birthday....
    What i really want is lying on the beach and staring at sunset with my beloved Sei besides me...

    Then when the night comes, we have romantic dinner by candlelight and starlit. Oh, the dinner should be still take place in the beach.... :)

    The best part is the star that comes. Yeah, it would be a real star - the falling star from the sky - time for making a wish!!!!! ^^

    Aaaah, what perfect birthday!!!! >.<

    *Ngebayanginnya aja saya udah senyum2 sendiri nih..... :D
    oh, dan semoga masih ga lewat batas waktu ya,meskipun mepet gini....

    dan buku yg benar2 saya inginkan adalah.... THE LITTLE PRINCESS by Frances Hodgson Burnett ^^

    Saya sudah lama penasaran sama buku ini karena seringnya Meg Cabot mengutip kalimat2 sederhana namun indah yg diambil dari buku ini pada setiap pembuka Princess Diaries, trus baca The Secret Garden karya Burnett lainnya yg ternyata juga indah ... jadi udah lama nunggu2 buku ini di toko buku daerah saya, tapi belum ada juga.... :(

    By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dela, Wishing you all the best....Hopefully you`ll have your perfect birthday :)

    Thanx for so kindly making this giveaway, I do hope i could win The Little Pincess (please, please :D )

  34. Oh, saya lupa, ini email saya:

    Terimakasih... ^^
